What’s the issue

Not knowing how to close the Knowing-Doing Gap in today’s competitive and fast-paced business environment can lead to significant disadvantages for both individuals and organizations. Failing to effectively bridge the gap between what is known and what is done can result in:

Reduced Productivity: Companies may struggle to achieve their potential, as employees and teams fail to implement proven strategies and insights, leading to inefficiencies and wasted resources.

Missed Opportunities: Just as failing to make a positive impression can impact career growth, not closing the Knowing-Doing Gap can result in missed opportunities for organizational growth and improvement.

Decreased Competitive Edge: Organizations that cannot quickly turn knowledge into action may fall behind competitors who are more adept at adapting and executing strategies.

Low Employee Morale: Employees may feel frustrated and demotivated if they see a consistent lack of action on known issues or strategies, leading to lower engagement and higher turnover rates.

Stagnation in Innovation: Without the ability to apply knowledge creatively, companies may struggle to innovate effectively, limiting their ability to evolve with market demands.

Erosion of Trust: Consistent failure to implement what has been agreed upon can erode trust between management and staff, as well as among team members, potentially damaging the overall work environment and organizational culture.

The pain point of not learning how to turn small talk into big talk

Not learning how to turn small talk into big talk can indeed be managed as a pain point for several reasons:

  • Limited Career Advancement: Without the ability to engage in meaningful conversations, individuals may struggle to demonstrate their full potential to superiors, limiting opportunities for career advancement.
  • Reduced Networking Effectiveness: Networking relies heavily on creating memorable interactions. A failure to move beyond small talk can hinder the formation of impactful connections that could benefit one’s career or business.
  • Decreased Team Engagement: In team settings, not being able to deepen conversations can lead to superficial relationships, which might impact team cohesion and the ability to work effectively together.

Can Communication Solve It?

Communication plays a vital role in solving these issues:

  • Enhanced Relationship Building: Effective communication skills can help forge stronger connections quickly, making first impressions count and setting the stage for deeper interactions.
  • Increased Confidence: Mastery in communication boosts confidence, empowering individuals to initiate and sustain conversations that go beyond superficial topics.
  • Better Conflict Management: Strong communication skills facilitate better understanding and negotiation, essential for resolving misunderstandings and conflicts in both personal and professional contexts.

By focusing on these aspects of communication, individuals can learn to navigate from small talk to more substantial and impactful conversations, thereby addressing the pain point of superficial interactions.

For whom

  • Organizational Leaders: Executives and managers who need to ensure that strategic plans and insights translate into operational actions and measurable outcomes.
  • Project Managers: Professionals responsible for leading teams and projects where effective execution of knowledge is crucial for success.
  • HR Professionals: Individuals in human resources tasked with developing training programs that bridge the gap between what employees know and how they perform.
  • Business Consultants: Advisors who assist organizations in improving efficiency and effectiveness by implementing best practices and innovative strategies.
  • Recent Graduates: New entrants into the workforce seeking to understand how to apply theoretical knowledge in practical, real-world business scenarios.
  • Team Leaders: Those who lead smaller teams and need to motivate their members to apply their skills and knowledge actively.


Learning how to close the knowing-doing gap offers several significant benefits, which can be outlined as follows:

Improved Organizational Performance: Mastering the skills to close the Knowing-Doing Gap can lead to more effective implementation of strategies and policies, which boosts overall organizational performance.

Enhanced Employee Engagement: By bridging the gap between knowledge and action, employees feel more empowered and engaged, as they see a clear connection between what they know and what they can do.

Increased Innovation: Closing the Knowing-Doing Gap fosters an environment where ideas are quickly acted upon, encouraging innovation and creative problem-solving.

Better Decision-Making: Understanding and applying the principles to close the Knowing-Doing Gap helps leaders and teams make decisions that are informed by both knowledge and practical application, leading to more effective outcomes.

Streamlined Operations: Learning to effectively turn knowledge into action helps streamline operations, reducing wasted time on endless discussions and increasing focus on actionable results.

Cultural Cohesion: Fostering a culture that actively closes the Knowing-Doing Gap helps create a unified approach where all team members are aligned and motivated towards common goals.


Details of the module

In the 20-minute course on “The knowing-Doing Gap”, the syllabus will focus on the following key points:

Definition and Impact:

  • Participants will learn the definition of the Knowing-Doing Gap.
  • They will understand why bridging this gap is crucial for enhancing organizational effectiveness.

Main Causes:

  • Participants will identify the key reasons why this gap exists, including internal communication failures and misaligned incentives.

Effective Strategies:

  • Participants will explore crucial strategies to bridge the gap, focusing on leadership’s role in setting expectations and the alignment of actions with organizational values.

Practical Steps:

  • Participants will receive a concise outline of actionable steps to translate knowledge into action, such as goal setting and providing constructive feedback.

Conclusion and Next Steps:

  • Participants will summarize the session’s key takeaways and will be encouraged to pinpoint specific applications in their work environment to start addressing the Knowing-Doing Gap.


This streamlined syllabus ensures that within a brief session, participants are equipped with the essential knowledge and practical tools to begin effectively closing the Knowing-Doing Gap in their professional roles.



Duration: 20min (pre-recorded)

Participants: 1 person

Price: EUR 250 (200 during pre-enrollment)