Overcoming nervousness – Overcoming the nervous me

What’s the issue

Not knowing how to overcome nervousness in today’s world can have negative consequences for someone’s personal and professional life. Failing to effectively manage nervousness can lead to:

Missed Opportunities: Struggling with nervousness can hinder one’s ability to make a strong impression during critical moments, such as job interviews or networking events, resulting in missed opportunities for career advancement or personal connections.

Reduced Performance: Excessive nervousness can impair performance in high-pressure situations like public speaking, exams, or important meetings, affecting overall success and recognition.

Social Withdrawal: The discomfort associated with nervousness might lead individuals to avoid social interactions, limiting personal relationships and professional networking opportunities.

Lower Self-Confidence: Chronic nervousness can erode self-confidence, making individuals doubt their abilities and worth, which can perpetuate a cycle of anxiety and underachievement.

Impaired Decision Making: Nervousness can cloud judgment and decision-making processes, leading to poorer outcomes in both personal and professional contexts.

Communication Barriers: Nervousness often affects communication skills, making it difficult to convey thoughts and emotions clearly, which can hinder both personal and professional relationships.

The pain point of not learning how to overcome nervousness

Not learning how to overcome nervousness can certainly be managed as a pain point for the following reasons:

  • Limited Social Interactions: You may find yourself excluded from informal gatherings, conversations, or team activities, indicating a lack of rapport or acceptance among colleagues.
  • Compromised Professional Image: Your inability to manage nervousness may affect how your competence and professionalism are perceived, potentially undermining your reputation at work.
  • Reduced Career Advancement: Nervousness can impair performance during critical moments like presentations or negotiations, which are often key to professional growth and promotion opportunities.

Can Communication Solve It?

Communication plays a vital role in solving these issues:

  • Integration and Inclusion: Effective communication can facilitate integration into the team and company culture, helping participants feel included, valued, and connected within the organization.
  • Confidence Building: Developing communication skills can boost self-confidence, enabling you to express your ideas and concerns more assertively, which is crucial in overcoming nervousness.
  • Enhanced Understanding: Clear communication helps in explaining one’s own nervousness to others, which can lead to better support and accommodations in both personal and professional settings.

By addressing nervousness as a critical issue and enhancing communication skills, individuals can significantly improve their ability to manage anxiety and perform more effectively in various aspects of life.

For whom

  • Recent Graduates: Individuals who have recently completed their education and are entering the workforce for the first time, seeking guidance on making a positive impression in their new roles.
  • Public Speakers: Professionals who regularly engage in public speaking and wish to improve their delivery and presence by managing nervousness effectively.
  • Job Seekers: Individuals preparing for job interviews who need to present themselves confidently and clearly, reducing anxiety to make the best impression.
  • Managers and Leaders: Those in leadership positions looking to enhance their decision-making and team management skills by overcoming personal anxiety and stress.
  • Students: School and university students who face academic pressures and social anxiety, aiming to improve their performance and interpersonal interactions.
  • Performing Artists: Actors, musicians, and other performers who want to manage stage fright to enhance their performances and connect better with their audiences.
  • Healthcare Professionals: Doctors, nurses, and therapists who need to maintain a calm demeanor in high-pressure and emotionally charged situations to provide the best care and support.
  • Anyone Seeking Personal Growth: Individuals interested in personal development and improving their mental health by learning strategies to cope with and overcome nervousness.


Learning how to overcome nervousness offers several significant benefits, enhancing both personal and professional aspects of one’s life. 

  • Confidence and Self-Esteem: Mastering the techniques to manage nervousness can significantly boost confidence and self-esteem, enabling individuals to handle stressful situations with poise and assurance.
  • Improved Communication Skills: Reducing nervousness helps improve clarity in communication, allowing individuals to express themselves more effectively and engage more constructively in conversations.
  • Enhanced Performance: Overcoming nervousness can lead to better performance in high-pressure situations such as public speaking, interviews, and exams by allowing individuals to focus more on the task at hand rather than their anxieties.
  • Stronger Relationships: With less anxiety in social interactions, individuals can build stronger, more genuine relationships, as they are more present and less preoccupied with their own nervousness.
  • Increased Opportunities: Being able to manage nervousness opens up more opportunities for leadership and professional advancement as individuals are more willing to step out of their comfort zones and take on new challenges.
  • Better Decision-Making: Lower levels of anxiety lead to clearer thinking and more rational decision-making, as individuals are not hindered by overwhelming nervous emotions.
  • Greater Resilience: Learning to handle nervousness builds resilience, equipping individuals to better cope with future stresses and challenges.


Details of the module

In the 20-minute course on “How to overcome nervousness” ,the syllabus will focus on the following key points:

Understanding Nervousness:

  • Participants will learn about the physiological and psychological aspects of nervousness.
  • They will understand the difference between normal nervousness and more severe anxiety disorders.

Physical Techniques to Manage Nervousness:

  • Participants will be introduced to effective breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation techniques.
  • They will discover the importance of these techniques in controlling physical symptoms of nervousness.

Mental Strategies to Combat Nervousness:

  • Participants will learn cognitive restructuring to challenge and change negative thoughts.
  • They will practice reframing anxious thoughts into more positive or realistic outcomes.

Preparation and Practice:

  • Participants will learn how proper preparation can significantly reduce nervousness.
  • They will understand the role of practice in familiarizing themselves with stressful situations to lessen anxiety.

Building Confidence:

  • Participants will explore key strategies for long-term confidence building, such as setting small, achievable goals and celebrating successes.
  • They will learn about the importance of resilience and continuous self-improvement in overcoming nervousness.

This syllabus will provide provide participants with practical techniques and mental strategies to start managing their nervousness effectively in a variety of situations.


Duration: 20min (pre-recorded)

Participants: 1 person

Price: EUR 250 (200 during pre-enrollment)