Making sure you feel seen and heard

What’s the issue

Not knowing how to be seen and heard can affect your professional success and personal fulfillment, making it crucial to develop these skills to thrive in today’s competitive environment.

Missed Opportunities: Not knowing how to make yourself seen and heard can result in missed opportunities for career advancement, networking, and professional growth.

Underappreciation of Ideas: Your valuable ideas and contributions may go unnoticed or unacknowledged, limiting your impact and recognition in the workplace.

Limited Influence: Without the ability to effectively communicate and assert yourself, you may struggle to influence decisions or gain buy-in from others, hindering your ability to drive change or initiatives forward.

Feelings of Frustration and Resentment: Being consistently overlooked or dismissed can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and disengagement, impacting your overall job satisfaction and morale.

Stagnation in Personal Growth: Without opportunities to voice your opinions, share your expertise, and engage in meaningful discussions, your personal and professional growth may stagnate, hindering your development and progress.

Diminished Self-Confidence: Constantly feeling overlooked or disregarded can erode your self-confidence over time, making it harder to assert yourself in future situations and perpetuating a cycle of being sidelined or ignored.

The pain point of not learning how to be seen and heard

Not learning how to make yourself seen and heard  from others can indeed be managed as a pain point for the following reasons:

  • Limited Career Growth: Being overlooked or unheard can hinder opportunities for career advancement and progression, leading to frustration and stagnation in professional development.
  • Decreased Confidence: Constantly feeling invisible or ignored can erode self-confidence and self-worth, impacting overall well-being and hindering personal growth.
  • Strained Relationships: Being consistently overlooked by colleagues or peers can strain relationships and lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection in the workplace or social settings.

Can Communication Solve It?

Communication plays a vital role in solving these issues:

  • Assertive Communication: Developing assertive communication skills allows individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and needs effectively, ensuring they are heard and respected by others.
  • Active Listening: Cultivating active listening skills enables individuals to better understand and respond to the needs and perspectives of others, fostering mutual respect and collaboration.
  • Building Personal Presence: Enhancing personal presence through effective communication techniques, such as confident body language and vocal projection, can help individuals command attention and establish themselves as visible and influential contributors.

By improving communication skills, individuals can overcome the pain point of not being heard and seen, leading to greater confidence, career opportunities, and stronger relationships.

For whom

  • Professionals in Entry-Level Positions: Individuals who are new to the workforce and seek guidance on asserting themselves effectively in their roles and interactions.
  • Mid-Level Managers: Managers who aim to enhance their leadership presence and communication skills to better engage with their teams and stakeholders.
  • Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Business leaders who want to amplify their presence and influence in networking, negotiation, and client interactions.
  • Introverted Individuals: Those who struggle with speaking up or being noticed in group settings and wish to build confidence in expressing themselves.
  • Women and Minorities: Individuals from underrepresented groups who face unique challenges in being heard and seen in predominantly homogenous environments and seek strategies to overcome these barriers.
  • Public Speakers and Presenters: Professionals who deliver presentations or speeches and want to command attention and engagement from their audience effectively.
  • Anyone Seeking Personal Growth: Individuals who recognize the importance of effective communication in personal and professional success and are eager to develop their skills in this area.


Learning how to make yourself heard and seen effectively can yield numerous benefits across various aspects of personal and professional life. Here are some key advantages:

Confidence and Self-Esteem: Mastering the skill of making yourself heard and seen can boost your confidence and self-esteem, empowering you to assert your ideas and opinions confidently in social and professional settings.

Enhanced Influence: Being able to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas increases your influence and persuasiveness, allowing you to drive conversations, decisions, and outcomes in both personal and professional contexts.

Stronger Relationships: By ensuring that your voice is heard and your presence is acknowledged, you can build stronger and more meaningful relationships with others, fostering trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

Career Advancement: The ability to make yourself heard and seen is often a critical factor in career advancement, as it enables you to stand out, demonstrate your value, and seize opportunities for growth and progression.

Improved Problem-Solving: Being able to express yourself effectively allows you to actively participate in discussions, contribute valuable insights, and collaborate more efficiently with others, leading to better problem-solving and decision-making outcomes.


Details of the module

In the 20-minute course on “Making sure you feel seen and heard”, the syllabus will focus on the following key points:


Understanding Communication Dynamics:

  • Participants will learn the importance of effective communication, including verbal and non-verbal cues.
  • They will understand how different communication styles impact visibility and respect.

Assertiveness Basics:

  • Participants will learn the fundamentals of assertiveness and its role in ensuring their voices are heard.
  • They will gain insights into expressing themselves assertively without resorting to aggression.

Active Listening Skills:

  • Participants will learn the significance of active listening in fostering mutual understanding and respect.
  • They will practice basic active listening techniques to enhance their communication skills.

Personal Presence:

  • Participants will explore the importance of personal presence in being noticed and respected in conversations.
  • They will gain tips on how to enhance their personal presence, including posture and eye contact.

Overcoming Barriers:

  • Participants will identify common barriers to feeling seen and heard, such as interruptions and dismissals.
  • They will learn effective strategies for overcoming these barriers and maintaining composure in challenging situations.


This syllabus is designed to be interactive and empowering, ensuring participants not only understand the concepts but are also prepared to apply them effectively to enhance their communication skills and personal impact.


Duration: 20min (pre-recorded)

Participants: 1 person

Price: EUR 250 (200 during pre-enrollment)