What’s the issue

Not knowing how to lead on screen can significantly hinder personal and professional success in today’s digital age, underscoring the importance of acquiring and honing virtual leadership skills.

Missed Career Opportunities: Not knowing how to effectively lead on screen can result in missed opportunities for career advancement, as virtual communication skills are increasingly valued in many professions.

Ineffective Communication: Poor on-screen leadership skills can lead to ineffective communication, causing misunderstandings, disengagement, and inefficiencies in virtual meetings, presentations, and collaborations.

Limited Influence and Impact: Without the ability to lead effectively on screen, individuals may struggle to influence and inspire virtual audiences, limiting their ability to drive change, gain buy-in, or garner support for their ideas and initiatives.

Reduced Professional Credibility: Inadequate on-screen leadership skills can undermine professional credibility and authority, as audiences may perceive individuals as less competent or confident when presenting or leading virtually.

Negative Impressions: Poor on-screen leadership can leave negative impressions on virtual audiences, affecting professional relationships and reputations as individuals may be perceived as disorganized, unprofessional, or unengaging, damaging their credibility and opportunities for future interactions.

Isolation and Disconnection: Individuals who lack proficiency in leading on screen may experience feelings of isolation or disconnection in virtual environments, as they struggle to connect with and engage remote colleagues, clients, or audiences effectively.

The pain point of not learning how to lead on screen

Not learning how to lead on screen can certainly be managed as a pain point for the following reasons:

  • Missed Career Opportunities: Inability to effectively lead on screen may lead to missed opportunities for career advancement and growth, hindering professional development and success.
  • Decreased Professional Impact: Without strong on-screen leadership skills, individuals may struggle to make a significant impact in virtual environments, limiting their ability to influence, inspire, and lead others effectively.
  • Limited Personal Connection: Poor on-screen leadership may result in a lack of personal connection with virtual audiences, making it challenging to build rapport, trust, and meaningful relationships in virtual interactions.

Can Communication Solve It?

  • ComVirtual Presence: Developing strong communication skills enables individuals to project confidence, clarity, and authority on screen, enhancing their virtual leadership capabilities and making a positive impression on virtual audiences.
  • Engagement: Effective communication fosters engagement and connection with virtual audiences, enabling individuals to lead more effectively by capturing attention, conveying messages persuasively, and fostering meaningful interactions in virtual settings.
  • Team Collaboration: Effective communication skills facilitate seamless collaboration in virtual teams, promoting cohesion, productivity, and synergy as team members communicate clearly, share ideas, and work together towards common goals.

By improving communication skills, individuals can overcome the pain point of not knowing how to lead on screen, leading to developing their communication skills and engaging their virtual audience.

For whom

  • Business Professionals: Individuals who regularly participate in virtual meetings, presentations, and interviews as part of their professional responsibilities and seek to enhance their on-screen leadership skills.
  • Content Creators: Individuals who produce online content, such as videos, webinars, or live streams, and aim to engage and captivate their audience effectively on screen.
  • Public Speakers: Professionals who deliver speeches or presentations virtually and want to improve their ability to connect with and inspire virtual audiences.
  • Job Seekers: Individuals who are preparing for virtual job interviews and want to present themselves confidently and compellingly on screen to prospective employers.
  • Educators: Teachers, trainers, or online instructors who deliver virtual lessons or training sessions and wish to create a more engaging and interactive learning experience for their students.
  • Performers: Actors, musicians, or performers who perform virtually and desire to command attention and connect with their audience effectively through the screen.
  • Anyone Seeking to Improve Virtual Presence: Individuals who recognize the growing importance of virtual communication skills in today’s digital age and want to enhance their ability to lead and engage on screen in various personal and professional contexts.


Learning how to lead on screen can yield numerous benefits across various aspects of personal and professional life. Here are some key advantages:

Enhanced Professional Presence: Mastering on-screen leadership skills can elevate your professional presence, making you a more compelling and authoritative figure in virtual meetings, presentations, and interviews.

Expanded Career Opportunities: Effective on-screen leadership opens up new career opportunities in fields such as media, entertainment, virtual events, and online education, where strong virtual presence is highly valued.

Improved Communication Skills: Learning to lead on screen enhances your communication skills, including articulation, body language, and vocal delivery, which are essential for engaging and influencing virtual audiences.

Increased Confidence: Developing proficiency in on-screen leadership boosts your confidence in virtual interactions, enabling you to express yourself more confidently and assertively, even in high-pressure situations.

Greater Impact and Influence: By mastering the art of leading on screen, you can amplify your impact and influence, effectively connecting with and inspiring virtual audiences to take action, make decisions, or embrace your ideas and messages.

Effective Virtual Team Leadership: Learning how to lead on screen equips you with the skills to effectively lead virtual teams, fostering collaboration, productivity, and cohesion among team members regardless of geographical distances or time zones.

Details of the module

In the 20-minute course on “How to lead on screen”, the syllabus will focus on the following key points:


Understanding On-Screen Presence:

  • Participants will understand the importance of on-screen presence for various purposes, including performances, interviews, and presentations and understand the unique challenges and opportunities of leading on screen.

Building Confidence in Front of the Camera:

  • Participants will learn techniques for overcoming nervousness and building confidence when facing the camera.
  • They will discover strategies for managing performance anxiety and projecting authenticity on screen.

Effective Communication on Screen:

  • Participants will gain tips for conveying messages clearly and engagingly in on-screen presentations, interviews, and performances.
  • They will learn guidance on adapting communication style for different on-screen contexts and audiences.

Mastering Body Language and Vocal Delivery:

  • Participants will explore body language and vocal delivery techniques to enhance on-screen charisma and influence.
  • They will engage in practical exercises to improve posture, gestures, facial expressions, and voice modulation for effective on-screen leadership.

Engaging Virtual Audiences:

  • Participants will discover strategies for capturing and maintaining audience attention in virtual environments.
  • They will learn techniques of connecting  with on-screen viewers through active engagement and storytelling.


This syllabus provides a structured framework for participants to acquire essential skills and confidence in leading on screen effectively, ensuring they can engage and inspire audiences in virtual settings.


Duration: 20min (pre-recorded)

Participants: 1 person

Price: EUR 250 (200 during pre-enrollment)