Giving feedback that works- getting feedback that works

What’s the issue

Not knowing how to give and receive feedback effectively in today’s world can have significant negative consequences for someone’s personal and professional life. Failing to manage feedback well can lead to:

Missed Opportunities: Inability to accept or provide useful feedback can hinder professional development, affecting career advancement, promotions, and growth opportunities within an organization.

Poor Team Dynamics: Poor feedback skills can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts within teams, impacting collaboration and the overall team atmosphere.

Decreased Performance: Without constructive feedback, individuals may continue making the same mistakes or miss chances to improve their skills, leading to decreased performance and satisfaction in their roles.

Stagnant Personal Growth: Lack of feedback can result in a lack of awareness regarding personal weaknesses and strengths, stifling personal development and adaptability.

Reduced Credibility: Not being able to provide clear and constructive feedback can diminish a person’s credibility and influence within their professional and social circles.

Lower Job Satisfaction: Ineffective feedback can lead to frustration, misunderstanding, and a lack of engagement, all of which can contribute to lower job satisfaction and motivation.

Increased Conflict: A lack of skill in handling feedback may lead to defensive reactions or aggressive confrontations, increasing workplace conflict and stress.

The pain point of not learning how to get and give feedback that works

Not learning to get and give feedback that works can certainly be managed as a pain point for the following reasons:

  • Inefficient Problem Solving: Without effective feedback, identifying and resolving issues within a team or project can be significantly hindered, leading to ongoing problems and reduced productivity.
  • Reduced Professional Growth: Inability to give or receive feedback stunts professional development, as individuals miss out on opportunities to learn from experiences and improve their skills.
  • Weakened Team Relationships: Poor feedback can lead to mistrust and miscommunication among team members, affecting the overall team dynamics and cooperation.

Can Communication Solve It?

Communication plays a vital role in solving these issues:

  • Integration and Inclusion: Proficient communication can facilitate integration into the team and company culture, helping participants feel included, valued, and connected within the organization.
  • Clarity and Understanding: Clear communication ensures that feedback is understood and accepted, which can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Effective communication fosters a collaborative environment where feedback is seen as a tool for collective improvement rather than criticism.

By addressing the pain points associated with poor feedback skills and enhancing communication, individuals and organizations can significantly improve their effectiveness and harmony.

For whom

  • Managers and Team Leaders: Professionals responsible for leading teams who need to master giving and receiving feedback to enhance team performance and foster a positive work environment.
  • Human Resources Professionals: HR personnel who facilitate training and development sessions and mediate conflicts within organizations, requiring proficiency in feedback to support employee growth and organizational development.
  • Teachers and Educators: Individuals in educational roles who rely on feedback to guide student learning and development, and who must also model receiving feedback constructively for their students.
  • Sales Professionals: Employees in sales positions who benefit from feedback on their performance to refine sales strategies and improve client interactions.
  • Customer Service Representatives: Workers in service roles who regularly receive feedback from clients and customers, needing skills to handle critiques constructively and improve service quality.
  • Healthcare Providers: Medical professionals who can use feedback to improve patient care and communication within healthcare teams.
  • Freelancers and Consultants: Independent workers who must navigate feedback from multiple clients to refine their services and ensure client satisfaction.



Learning to give and receive feedback effectively offers a variety of benefits that enhance both personal and professional growth. 

  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Mastering feedback techniques can improve overall communication abilities, enabling clearer and more effective interactions in both personal and professional settings.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: Receiving constructive feedback provides insights into personal behaviors and skills, fostering greater self-awareness and leading to self-improvement.
  • Improved Relationships: Effective feedback helps build trust and respect among colleagues and friends, enhancing teamwork and interpersonal relationships.
  • Career Advancement: Giving and receiving feedback effectively can lead to better performance and recognition at work, potentially opening doors for career advancement and leadership opportunities.
  • Conflict Resolution: Skilled feedback can defuse conflicts and misunderstandings by addressing issues directly and constructively, promoting a healthier work environment.
  • Personal Growth and Learning: Feedback is essential for learning and growth, providing opportunities to develop new skills and refine existing ones in response to constructive criticism.
  • Adaptability: Learning from feedback makes individuals more adaptable and flexible, able to adjust to new challenges and environments by understanding and integrating the perspectives of others.

Details of the module

In the 20-minute course on how to “get and give feedback that works” ,the syllabus will focus on the following key points:

Learn the Principles of Effective Feedback:

  • Understand the significance of feedback in enhancing personal and professional growth.
  • Learn to differentiate between constructive and destructive feedback.

Master Techniques for Giving Constructive Feedback:

  • Be introduced to the SBI model (Situation, Behavior, Impact) to structure feedback effectively.
  • Gain skills to ensure feedback is specific, objective, and timely.

Develop Skills in Receiving Feedback Graciously:

  • Explore the importance of emotional intelligence in the reception of feedback.
  • Learn strategies for active listening, asking clarifying questions, and responding constructively.

Address Common Feedback Challenges:

  • Identify common barriers to effective feedback, such as cultural differences and personal biases.
  • Learn methods to navigate these challenges to improve communication and understanding.

Apply Feedback for Continuous Improvement:

  • Discover the importance of using feedback for personal and professional development.
  • Understand how to promote a feedback-rich culture within teams and organizations.


This syllabus ensures that participants will leave the session equipped with key strategies for both giving and receiving feedback effectively, fostering a productive learning and working environment.


Duration: 20min (pre-recorded)

Participants: 1 person

Price: EUR 250 (200 during pre-enrollment)