Mette Fossum on Sustainable Communication

Mette Fossum on Sustainable Communication
Empowering Leadership: Exploring the Art of Storytelling with HR Expert, Svetlana Bielushkina

In the realm of a million-dollar company, focusing on human resources is crucial for growth, especially in volatile times.
The 3 Pillars of Trust: Competence, Honesty, and Benevolence

Introduction:Trust is the foundation of every successful relationship, whether personal or professional. It is the currency that builds connections, fosters collaboration, and fuels growth. But what does trust really mean, and how do we cultivate it in our lives? In this blog post, we will explore the concept of trust and dive into the three […]
How Do You Tell Your Story? Skills Lab Part 1

Exploring the importance of storytelling and how it affects our lives by Ergoego
EQ: The Human Brain and Effective Communication

Did you know that the human brain is not fully developed until we are 25 years old? A surprising fact, isn’t it? Today, we’re diving into the fascinating topic of emotional intelligence, all backed by the science of the brain and its development. Understanding the Brain The frontal lobe, the smartest part of our brain, […]
Gry Rohde Nordhus

This episode features an interview with Gry Rohde Nordhus, the SVP and Head of Communications at Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company. In the episode, Nordhus discusses her passion for technology and communication as important tools for promoting sustainability and a better future. Throughout the interview, Nordhus shares her insights into how technology can be […]
Ole Erik Almlid

This episode features an interview with Ole Erik Almlid, the leader of The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), one of Norway’s leading business organizations. In the episode, Almlid discusses the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in today’s labor market, particularly in terms of attracting and retaining top talent. Throughout the interview, Almlid shares his insights […]

This episode features a discussion between Ergo;Ergo’s Hanne Lindbaek, Berit Boman, and Saul Cambridge on the topic of Communication Intelligence. The episode explores what Communication Intelligence is, and what elements are most important when it comes to being a great communicator and delivering a memorable message. Throughout the discussion, Lindbaek, Boman, and Cambridge share their […]
Creation, emotion, intelligence.

And at the end, it’s about being authentic